So how does twitter Follower work?
The concept is actually very simple. Anyone that you follow will follow you back. No questions ask. I told you it was simple. Sungguh mudah!!.
The problem with twitter is that if you’re non celebrity it’s hard to get followers. But with John Chow’s website, you will get the necessary followers.In order to sign up you need an existing account with twitter. Upon login in, you will be able to see a list of all the members. You just need to click on the follow button, and they will follow you.
You might argue what is the point to have over 700 followers but what no one actually visits your blog? There is some validity in your concern; it is all about the number game. Which one would you prefer to have, 40 followers or 700 followers? Let’s say if only 10% of the people actually visit your blog, would you prefer 4 visits or 70 visit?
The more visitors you have, the higher chance someone is going to click on something and that something = duit.
I have told you from the beginning that traffic is the heart and soul of any blog. If there is no traffic, there will not be worth buat duit online. In the next article we will examine some ways we can make money using twitter.